Saturday, July 19, 2014

Call For Humanity

My painting on acrylic and collage of newspaper writings

Are all diseases diagnosed?  What happens when someone’s mind is infected with fear? Is it possible for people to chop off part of their minds exactly the way doctors remove cancer or operate on infected area of our body?

We have been so busy earning money, fame and name that we have forced ourselves to shroud the humanity inside to compete in this rat race. I am not accusing anyone for being competitive or being best in their professions. Please take a moment and see who are around you! Is there anyone who needs your helping hand or just a smile of yours that could momentarily ease their pain? I’m sure you have heard people giving example of your five fingers to compare your life with others.

How many times you have seen a person crying while you have passed by? How many times you seen a man beaten to death while you were a spectator among the crowd? How many times you watched a young girl being teased or molested and waited for NGO or police to do something about it? Nobody is asking you to behave like Mother Teresa or asking you to raise your voice but today I’m requesting you to put a step forward and ask the victims the three words “Are you OK?” or  “You need anything!”. Please do not think how the victim will react or what will the next person beside you think about you! Just be the first person to take the initiative for asking a simple sentence with these 3 words.  We should try to understand that not everyone is strong enough to fight for his/her rights; I am great believer of people’s greatness and believe that one simple smile or a greeting can give the next person a little solace.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. Every coin has two sides, likewise evil and goodness coexist. We only need the path of righteousness to reunite humanity against evil. 


  1. Loved your style of writing....

  2. Soooo powerful... Amazingly written.. :)

    1. thanku ... u guys have encouraged me a lot! i love both of u a lot <3

  3. U are welcome.. Make sure that you keep up this amazing work... <3


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